Unofficial documentation for creating BOS driver for MetaDOS v 0.4 - 2003/09/24 0. Disclaimer ------------- This document describes the BOS drivers for MetaDOS. This is an unofficial document. The originals authors have nothing in common with this document, except the involved product. This document describes the BOS drivers as the author understands it. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this document are accurate, the author does not guarantee that any portion of this document is actually correct. In addition, the author cannot be held responsible the consequences of the any use or misuse of the information contained in this document. 1. Introduction --------------- BOS drivers in MetaDOS are the hardware-level drivers, on which DOS drivers works. For example, for a CD-ROM, the BOS driver is responsible for communication through IDE,SCSI or ACSI bus, providing a simple interface for DOS drivers. Thus, custom filesystems (DOS drivers) can use any hardware supported by a BOS driver. 2. The entry point ------------------ BOS drivers are Atari executables, and the entry point is a function ending with a RTS instruction, returning a pointer in register D0. This function should perform any global initialization for the driver, but no device-dependent initialization, which will be performed later. 3. Device initialization ------------------------ The pointer returned in register D0 by the entry-point function, is a pointer to a function which has the task to initialize a device-dependent structure (bos_header_t). When entering the function, D0 will be set by MetaDOS to a physical device number, and D1 to a dma channel number (if needed). --8<--8<--8<-- \auto\config.sys *BOS, c:\auto\cdrom.bos, P:5 --8<--8<--8<-- D1 will be set on entry to 5. D0 will be set to the ascii value of 'P'. The function must initialize the device at this point, and return in D0 a pointer to the bos_header_t structure of the device, filled with appropriate informations (see below). 4. The device functions ----------------------- The functions in the bos_functions_t structure are the ones called from MetaDOS by the user, and map to Xbios calls with opcodes 0x30 to 0x3f. A pointer to your device's bos_header_t will be available in A0 upon entry of this functions. The parameters are on the stack, starting at 4(sp). The function must return a negative value as errorcode in D0, or NULL if no error. 4.1 long (*init)(metainit_t *metainit) -------------------------------------- This function pointer should be set to 0xffffffff in the bos_functions_t structure of any device driver you would write, because it will be overwritten by MetaDOS. It is also the case for undefined functions 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a. 4.2 long (*open)(metaopen_t *metaopen) -------------------------------------- Open your device, and fill the structure with the name of your device. 4.3 long (*close)(void) ----------------------- Surprisingly, your function should only return NULL in D0, and don't perform any closing operation on the device. 4.4 long (*read)(void *buffer, unsigned long first, unsigned short count) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read blocks from the block, and write it in memory from address . A block is 2048 byte in size. 4.5 long (*write)(void *buffer, unsigned long first, unsigned short count) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write blocks from the block, and read it in memory from address . A block is 2048 byte in size. This function is not applicable for normal CD-ROM medias, but should be used when you have a device that can perform write operations (like unsupported hard-disk, or even a network device). 4.6 long (*seek)(unsigned long offset) -------------------------------------- Move the current drive pointer to the given . is given in number of blocks. A block is 2048 byte in size. 4.7 long (*status)(bos_status_t *extended) ------------------------------------------ Return current status of the device. is optionnal, and should be set by caller to NULL if not used. If no error, in return value you'll get: bit 3: 0=no media change, 1=media change 4.8 long (*ioctl)(unsigned long magic, unsigned short opcode, void *buffer) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perform a custom operation on the device. is set to 'FCTL' for this purpose. is the opcode of the operation to perform, and points to the required input parameters/output of the command performed. 4.9 long (*startaudio)(unsigned short dummy, bos_tracks_t *tracks) ------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPRECATED: only for compatibility with CDAR-504 drive, and old software. Start audio playing on your CD-ROM device. The bos_tracks_t structure contains the first audio track to play, and the number of tracks to play. 4.10 long (*stopaudio)(void) ---------------------------- DEPRECATED: only for compatibility with CDAR-504 drive, and old software. Stop audio playing on your CD-ROM device. 4.11 long (*setsongtime)(unsigned short dummy, unsigned long start, unsigned long end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPRECATED: only for compatibility with CDAR-504 drive, and old software. Start audio playing on your CD-ROM device. The and values contain in MSF format the start and end of the audio part of the CD to play. 4.12 long (*gettoc)(unsigned short dummy, bos_tocentry_t *tocentry) ------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPRECATED: only for compatibility with CDAR-504 drive, and old software. Read the table of content entries of the inserted CD. The is a buffer that will be filled with an array of bos_tocentry_t structures, one for each track of the CD. The end of the CD is marked as value 0xA2 for LEADOUT value in the tocentry.track field of the last toc entry. 4.13 long (*discinfo)(bos_discinfo_t *discinfo) ----------------------------------------------- DEPRECATED: only for compatibility with CDAR-504 drive, and old software. Read some informations about the inserted disc. is 0 for an audio CD-ROM, 1 for a data CD-ROM. and are the first and last track numbers. is the currently playing track, is the currently playing index for this track. , and are MSF values BUT they are in BCD format. 5. The various structures ------------------------- typedef struct { char status[32]; } bos_status_t; typedef struct { unsigned char count; unsigned char first; } bos_tracks_t; typedef struct { unsigned char track; unsigned char minute; unsigned char second; unsigned char frame; } bos_tocentry_t; typedef struct { unsigned char disctype; unsigned char first, last, current; bos_tocentry_t relative; bos_tocentry_t absolute; bos_tocentry_t end; unsigned char index; unsigned char reserved1[3]; unsigned long reserved2[123]; } bos_discinfo_t; typedef struct { long (*init)(metainit_t *metainit); long (*open)(metaopen_t *metaopen); long (*close)(void); long (*read)(void *buffer, unsigned long first, unsigned short count); long (*write)(void *buffer, unsigned long first, unsigned short count); long (*seek)(unsigned long offset); long (*status)(bos_status_t *extended); long (*ioctl)(unsigned long magic, unsigned short opcode, void *buffer); long (*undefined08)(void); long (*undefined09)(void); long (*undefined0a)(void); long (*startaudio)(unsigned short dummy, bos_tracks_t *tracks); long (*stopaudio)(void); long (*setsongtime)(unsigned short dummy, unsigned long start, unsigned long end); long (*gettoc)(unsigned short dummy, bos_tocentry_t *tocentry); long (*discinfo)(bos_discinfo_t *discinfo); } bos_functions_t; typedef struct { /* Pointer to next BOS driver, you leave it to NULL, filled by MetaDOS */ void *next; /* Some attributes for the device, for your convenience */ unsigned long attrib; /* The D0 value you get from MetaDOS in the initialization function */ unsigned short phys_letter; /* The D1 value you get from MetaDOS in the initialization function */ unsigned short dma_channel; /* One driver can manage several sub-devices, so this field is used to know which subdevice MetaDOS want to talk with */ unsigned short sub_device; /* Pointer to a list of 16 functions (which correspond to the 16 Xbios MetaDOS functions traps */ bos_functions_t *functions; /* A status field, to report more errors */ unsigned short status; unsigned long reserved[2]; /* Name of the device */ char name[32]; } bos_header_t; 6. Example source file ---------------------- TEXT entry_point: ; Perform any operation necessary for initializing the driver [snip] ; Return our pointer for device initialization move.l #init_device_p,d0 rts init_device: ; d0.w contain the physical drive letter ; d1.w is the dma channel to use, if any move.w d0,bh_phys_drive move.w d1,bh_phys_channel ; Return our BOS header (or a negative error code, if needed) move.l #bos_header,d0 rts ; For these functions, a0 points to the bos_header of the device ; The parameters are on the stack, at 4(sp) open: move.l 4(sp),a1 lea bh_name-bos_header(a0),a0 move.l a0,(a1)+ clr.l (a1)+ clr.l (a1)+ clr.l (a1) clr.l d0 rts close: clr.l d0 rts read: moveq #-32,d0 rts write: moveq #-32,d0 rts seek: moveq #-32,d0 rts status: moveq #-32,d0 rts ioctl: moveq #-32,d0 rts startaudio: moveq #-32,d0 rts stopaudio: moveq #-32,d0 rts setsongtime: moveq #-32,d0 rts gettoc: moveq #-32,d0 rts discinfo: moveq #-32,d0 rts DATA init_device_p: dc.l init_device bos_header: bh_next: dc.l 0 bh_attrib: dc.l 0 bh_phys_drive: dc.w 0 bh_phys_channel: dc.w 0 bh_subdevice: dc.w 0 bh_functions: dc.l bos_functions bh_status: dc.w 0 bh_reserved dc.l 0,0 bh_name: dc.b "Custom CD-ROM BOS driver" dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 bos_functions: dc.l $ffffffff dc.l open dc.l close dc.l read dc.l write dc.l seek dc.l status dc.l ioctl dc.l $ffffffff dc.l $ffffffff dc.l $ffffffff dc.l startaudio dc.l stopaudio dc.l setsongtime dc.l gettoc dc.l discinfo END -- Patrice Mandin