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SDL is a library that helps you to make multimedia software which are multi-platforms.

You need LDG development files. Its installation is mandatory to compile SDL applications. The archive must be depacked under '/', new files will be installed to '/usr/local'.

The 'SDL as LDG library' archive contains the patched libldg.a.

Library and development files (Atari):
SDL-devel-1.2.15-mint-20190113.tar.gz (960 KB)
Library and development files (Atari):
SDL-devel-1.2.15-mint-20171014.tar.gz (950 KB)
Library and development files (Atari):
SDL-devel-1.2.15-mint-20170205.tar.gz (948 KB)

Library and development files, with OpenGL support using Mesa (Atari):
SDL-devel-1.2.9-mint-opengl.tar.gz (561 KB)

SDL as LDG library, development files (Atari, needs SDL-devel-1.2.13-mint.tar.gz installed first):
SDL-devel-1.2.13-ldg-1.2-mint.tar.gz (13 KB)
SDL as LDG library, for applications (Atari): (432 KB)

LDG Sources (Atari):
SDL-ldg-1.2.tar.gz (117 KB)
LDG Sources (Atari):
SDL-ldg-1.1.tar.gz (159 KB)
LDG Sources (Atari):
SDL-ldg-1.0.tar.gz (119 KB)

Official site: